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Alfred Custom Terminal Snippet


1 min read

on alfred_script(q)
do shell script "open -a Warp ~"
set appOpen to false
set nbrOfTry to 0
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events"
if exists (window 1 of process "Warp") then
set appOpen to true
exit repeat
end if
end tell
end try
set nbrOfTry to nbrOfTry + 1
if nbrOfTry = 20 then exit repeat
delay 0.5
end repeat
if appOpen then tell application "System Events" to keystroke q & return
end alfred_script

Usage #

  1. Replace Warp in the script above with the name of your terminal app, e.g., Archipelago, Fig, Warp
  2. Open Alfred’s preferences1 and navigate to the Terminal preferences2 under “Features”
  3. Set Application to Custom
  4. In the text box that appears, paste the script